
Android Security Apps: Which One To Pick?


Android Security

Most people feel lost when picking security apps for their Android devices. Well, you may find the latest review whipped up by AV-Test useful. AV-Test evaluated 30 different apps last January and the majority of them piled-up to fine scores, while others wound up losers.

The AV-Test’s analysis listed all the apps with two main columns scored on Performance and Usability. Both performance and usability are scored out of a possible 6 points, which in the white boxes. Additionally, you can find a checklist for usability and features, displaying the pros and cons of each app, as well as available or missing features. Some criteria examples for usability include; Does the app impact battery life? Does it slow down your device? As for features, we would find these examples; Call Blocking, Anti-Theft Lock Protection, Browser Security and so on.

Many of the tested apps actually attained perfect scores, 10 out of the 30 tested actually, leaving the users with plenty of choice between free and paid services. Scoring a flawless 6 points for protection and usability are;

  • Avira: Free Android Security 3.0
  • Bitdefender: Mobile Security 2.6
  • Kingsoft: Mobile Security 3.3
  • KSMobile: Clean Master 4.0 and CM Security 1.0
  • McAfee: Mobile Security 1.1
  • Qihoo: 360 Mobile Security 1.5
  • TrustGo: Mobile Security

G Data: Internet Security 25.0 and Trend Micro: Mobile Security 3.5 both also scored perfect but lacked just a couple of features their competitors had. In G Data’s case, No Parental Control and No Data Encryption of any sort. For Trend Micro, they lacked any Device Backup feature as well as Data Encryption. The need for some features deeply depend on the user’s needs, hence the perfect scores these two got were still well deserved.

Security experts almost always share the opinion that mobile security is not only needed but vital for society. Google and undoubtedly Apple have both argued with the statement of security apps being an absolute need for all users, asserting that the vendors are trying to create noise just to prop up their sales. However, some important points can be brought up that make us think twice. For example, losing your device can mean having your sensitive data in the hands of a professional thief.  Losing important data or having your bank details stolen are real threats. With the growing popularity of mobile devices, malicious software coders and cyber-criminals have been on the prowl and are not going anywhere. As a core product, Android and iOS are both questionably secure and always at risk when jailbroken. A breach can happen when malware is downloaded or vulnerability issues are exploited and we suggest to keep your devices safe, especially when used for sensitive data applications.

For VPN solutions, check out our article for iOS and Android.

Renee Biana

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