The Best Torrent Clients for Macs

Apple and PC users always seem to be at each other’s throats when it comes to which operating system is better. On the one hand, Windows machines enjoy higher performing hardware for less money, though the software is often riddled with flaws. Macs, on the other hand, are generally more expensive for the same amount of hardware but their software is incredibly secure. Which brings us to the long standing discussion of which software is the best on a Mac to use for downloading torrents.
Believe it or not, you have more options as a Mac user than you might think. Most people use the same Bit Torrent clients and don’t pay much attention to the smaller clients, but that would be a mistake. There are some really cool pieces of software out there that will help Mac users download their favorite content with Bit Torrent. The following is a list of the best options Mac users have to download torrents on their operating system.
Folx is a handy torrent client with the optimal set of features. It allows you to do pretty much everything what you need to do without overwhelming you with extra stuff. You can download and create torrents, schedule and prioritize download tasks, regulate upload and download speed to optimize traffic consumed. What we like about Folx is that the app allows downloading via magnet links and searching various torrent trackers directly from the app’s window in PRO version, all you have to do is to enter a keyword. Folx also simplifies managing downloaded by enabling you to tag files. With Folx PRO your music and videos are added to iTunes playlists automatically according to the assigned tags.
Transmission is also another great choice for members of the Mac community who want to download torrents. As most other torrent clients are, this client is free to download and it is even native to Macs. Like other torrent clients, Transmission will allow you to set priorities for your files to help certain files download first. In addition, it allows encrypted connections – although in all reality you are better off using a VPN service with a custom kill switch. One cool feature of this software is that it includes a web server feature that will let you access Transmission when you are at a remote location. In addition, it provides other features like UPnP, peer caching, and block-lists to help you block known bad peers. Though it doesn’t natively have a feature that will allow you to track RSS feeds to automatically download content, there are additional add-ons that will allow you to do this.
Vuze also makes the cut as one of the best torrent clients for Mac because it is also extremely popular across several platforms. In all honesty, this is probably one of the top torrent clients behind uTorrent, and there’s no wonder why. This client is very feature rich and it has a ton of configuration options and settings that uTorrent doesn’t have at all. Though it has been reported that this client can be a little slower at downloading torrents than uTorrent, the performance penalty is negligible when considering all of the added benefits you are getting through the features. It also includes plugins and extensions to help you customize your torrent downloading experience.
A great option I came across when testing clients on Mac OSX is qBitorrent. This client is pretty darn fast and it is competitively designed to offer the same functionality as uTorrent as an equally streamlined application. And the good news is that this client is open source, so you don’t need to fear malicious code being injected into the program by the government. Some of its most notable features include torrent prioritization, remote access and control, an included media player, and torrent querying.
Ok, ok. Let’s get this one out of the way. This torrent client is one of the most popular Bit Torrent downloaders across many different platforms. I’m sure you have already heard of or used this software in the past. As such, you may have been looking for an alternative to this client. Unfortunately with time, more and more reports of uTorrent surfaced warning of uTorrent becoming unsafe with more recent updates. But the fact of the matter is that you can still find older streamlined, lightweight versions that don’t contain any bells or whistles that would bog down the performance and download speed of torrents you are downloading, or even worse, undermining your privacy, security and bandwidth. If you do choose to go with uTorrent.
In Summary
Outside of China, uTorrent is undoubtedly the most popular torrent client. However, if you are displeased with it and you are on a Mac, you might want to try one of the other three options. Being that most are open-source and free to use, there are now plenty of good bittorrent clients to be used on Mac OS platform computers. These other 3 clients are well known for being stable, fast, and reliable. Plus a few of them have features that uTorrent lacks, so you can find the one that’s perfect for you.
And of course, don’t neglect your VPN. You can find some great ones for your Mac by heading over and checking our article over here.