Best VPN for BitCoin

BitCoin is a new form of currency that is becoming so mainstream that competitors have created their own forms of currency, though Bitcoin is still the leader. Most people don’t understand how this currency work, but it has grown so strong that many online services, such as VPNs, allow you to purchase their services with crypto-currency BitCoins.
But what exactly is a BitCoin? Well, a BitCoin is a purely digital form of currency that mirrors commodities such as gold since there is no central bank or authority governing the value of the currency. Instead, their value is determined by the market. And just like gold, to generate BitCoins you need to mine them. However, instead of swinging a pickaxe to mine them, you need to set a CPU to work solving extremely complex math problems. These complex math problems take an extreme amount of work to solve, and there are different types of hardware you can use to generate this new type of currency. It is open source and uses peer-to-peer technology. You can use the regular CPU in your computer, a GPU from a graphics card, or sophisticated ASIC’s (Application Specific Integrated Circuits). Currently a BitCoin is worth about $431.09 USD, and the total amount of BitCoins are finite. After they have all been mined, there won’t be any way to create more of them. There is a limit of about 21 million BitCoins that can be mined, and it is expected that they won’t all be mined until 2140.
One reason that so many people like making payments with BitCoins is because they add a certain degree of anonymity to your payments. All of the payment history is stored in the BitCoin system, meaning that there aren’t detailed transaction records maintained by an outside authority such as a bank. As such, they go hand in hand with VPN technologies. Many people take advantage of VPNs to browse the Internet securely and anonymously, and being able to pay for their services with BitCoins means that the government won’t have transaction logs of your purchases. Though it may sound trivial, many governments have implemented intense monitoring programs that wiretap domestic and foreign digital transmissions. The UK, the US, and many other nations around the world eavesdrop and intrude on users’ data, and most people feel that this is an invasion of their privacy. But by using a VPN connection in combination with BitCoin payments from your bitcoin wallet, you will be able to surf the web and pay for goods completely anonymously.
Furthermore, a VPN tunnel will encrypt your data so your personal information doesn’t become compromised. You don’t only need to worry about the government intercepting your data, but also hackers. How many headlines have we all read detailing another attack on a corporation whereby they lost thousands and thousands of usernames, passwords, and payment card information? Though most people don’t think about it, these attacks happen much more frequently on a smaller scale. Each and every day, someone on the Internet successfully steals information and victimizes innocent bystanders. Instead of taking these risks, you are much better off securing your data with a VPN tunnel. BitCoins payments are becoming more ubiquitous, and you’ll find that most of the major VPN providers have updated their payment options to accept this fantastic cryptocurrency. So, let’s take a look at the best VPNs for BitCoin.
VPN for Bitcoin Payments – Top Picks

ExpressVPN now accepts BitCoin payments, and their industry leading service is full-featured and well-rounded. They have connection options in 78 different countries and offer a 30-day money back guarantee. Furthermore, they have a reputation for providing extraordinarily fast and reliable VPN connections, and their phenomenal customer service is available to help you 24/7. But there are a couple drawbacks. First of all, they only allow 2 simultaneous connections per account. Secondly, because the quality of their service is so high, they do cost more than most other providers per month.

Surfshark is another VPN provider that accepts BitCoin and since it offers top encryption and advanced features like multi-hop, your privacy and security remain protected. Surfshark is still relatively new in the industry, but it has gained recognition due to its high security and fast speeds. Surfshark protects your connection from malware, trackers and other issues that could put your personal information at risk. Its solid combination of security and reliability make it a good choice for BitCoin. It doesn’t keep logs of your activities.

IronSocket VPN can also help protect your privacy through payment means such as BitCoin, and they offer a service that is very comparable with VPN Area. However, they aren’t present in nearly as many countries. But they do a great job of covering all the major geographic regions, and to date they have servers in 36 countries. In addition, they allow 3 simultaneous connections per user account and have a 7-day money back guarantee. Though they don’t allow as many simultaneous connections as VPN Area, they cost a little bit less per month – making them the perfect option if you only need to secure 3 or fewer devices. You can get their service for as little as $4.16 per month.

NordVPN accepts BitCoin payments as well, and they are cheaper per month than the previous two services. The monthly cost of their VPN tunnel can go as low as $4.00 per month with longer term subscriptions, and they surpass the preceding services by allowing up to 6 simultaneous connections per account. In addition, their money back guarantee is long and they give you 30 days to decide if you want your money back. However, they offer fewer global connection options since they have servers in 27 countries around the world.

CyberGhost is another VPN that is known for the security and it accepts BitCoin as method of payment. This provider has been in the market for quite a while and it is trusted by people all over the world. You can connect to more than 3000 servers in over 50 countries. The service is focused on helping users to keep their privacy protected. There are features that are designed to help you to bypass restrictions and stream content from anywhere. Since CyberGhost uses military-grade encryption to protect your internet traffic and it doesn’t keep logs, it is a solid option for BitCoin users.