High Schoolers can learn Cyber Security at early ages
Early Preparation
Cyber security is the future. That is why it is of paramount importance that if you want to do it as a career choice in future it is best to start now. High school going children who want to have a career in cyber security are being given an opportunity due to the numerous chances available now.
A lot of programs are available which help high schoolers to learn about the subject, gain experience and go to summer camps with adequate knowledge.
Hacker High-school
This school provides a set of products designed especially for teenagers. It helps with learning cyber security and critical Internet skills. The program has free e-book lessons and hands on. It challenges students to be useful and creative in a range of topics like Internet security, online privacy, network security and online research. A product of research NGO firm, ISECOM, the program is available in multiple languages, containing physical books and additional lessons. The firm gains its resources from volunteers worldwide and it enables students to be better people, better students, and better hackers.
Cyber Security for Beginners Problem
A cyber security company based in Denmark, Heimdal Security, teaches on how to be secure in your online activities in a five-week program. The lessons come via email after every two days. The program teaches basic computer security including setting up your system and cyber security vocabulary. Advanced wise it teaches on the origin of cyber attacks, avoiding virus infections and how to counter act against malicious malware and their consequences. It is said to be one good way of learning by practicing.
Institute for Cyber Security challenge
This is an advanced four-year high school Cyber Security track, which is offered at general schools and IT specialty schools with enrollment and matriculation requirements. Th program claims to be the only one which can successfully develop and implement a cyber security track during normal school days. The course is paid for, with students paying $1,400 for the whole four years. High school students can take it as an elective course starting from the 9th grade to the 12th. This might give them job ready skills.
Introduction to Computer Virus and “Threatsaurus”
This is a good start for those who are not ready for the structured program. There is a thesaurus from A to Z which also contains safety tips, and tips on how to avoid hoaxes, viruses, trojans, worms and spyware. There are also some topics for the advanced in cybersecurity. The students are in control of when they want to stop and can stop at any point.
There are approximately one million jobs in America for cyber security. The modern world has opened the industry up. The profession is said to be growing at a rate of 36.5 percent by 2022. Most information security analysts possess bachelors degree when they begin their jobs. The market is definitely open for future high schoolers.
And hey, if you’re a highschooler reading this, don’t neglect your VPN.