
How to jailbreak Firestick

Jailbreaking the Amazon Firestick will help you to enjoy more features and in this post, we will discuss how you can complete this process without having to use a PC. With the Firestick, you can enjoy an amazing selection of content, including TV shows, movies and music videos from popular streaming solutions like YouTube, Netflix, and of course, Amazon Prime Video. While these are high quality solutions, they come with a price and some people can’t or don’t want to pay for a monthly subscription. The alternative is to use free streaming apps or Kodi Addons and this is possible if you jailbreak your Firestick. The first thing to keep in mind is that jailbreaking your Firestick is not illegal. However, streaming pirated content is against the law and it could land you in trouble. If you don’t want to face fines and other issues, the best thing is to avoid pirated streaming. In any case, it is important to protect your privacy and the best way to do so is using a VPN service. This technology encrypts your data so others won’t see what you are doing online. Your activities will remain private and since a VPN hides your real IP address and location, it is also a good solution to enjoy privacy. After going through the steps to jailbreak the Firestick, we will also tell you how to install popular apps like YouTube, Modbro and Cinema HD.

How to jailbreak Firestick with Downloader

To jailbreak Firestick, you only need to follow a few steps and you don’t even need a computer or any other device. What you do need is a good internet connection and after that, just prepare your Amazon Firestick. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Start by enabling Unknown sources apps option from Setting
  2. Go to Setting
  3. Select Device
  4. Select Developer Options
  5. Enable Apps from Unknown Sources and click on Turn on to prevent the warning box. Then, enable the ADB Debugging option.
  6. Return to Setting’s main menu
  7. Choose Preferences
  8. Scroll and click on Advertising ID
  9. Enable Interest-based ads options
  10. Go back to Firestick’s Home Screen and click on Search icon from the Top menu bar
  11. Type Downloader and select Search to look for the app
  12. Find and choose Downloader app from the available results
  13. Click on Download icon to start the Download process
  14. Allow some time to complete the download process. Once this is done, open the app.
  15. You will see the URL Box on the Home Screen. Click on it to type the URL.
  16. Type http://bit.ly/kodi176 and then click on Go to begin the download. Now you can download Kodi 18 APK from https://mykodiaddons.com/kodi-apk/ so that you can install the most recent version of Kodi Leia.
  17. Download will start automatically. Allow a few seconds and then click on Install option when you see the Kodi Installation Wizard.
  18. Wait until the installation process is finished.
  19. Click on Open to start the Kodi app.
  20. That is all. The jailbreaking process should be complete now. Once Kodi is installed, you can watch the content that you want. Just install Builds and Addons to expand your entertainment experience.

How to install YouTube on Firestick

Google blocked YouTube on Amazon Firestick, but since this is the leading streaming platform, people want to find a way to be able to access it on their Firestick and thankfully, there is one. The alternative is to use Smart YouTube TV, an app that offers the chance to enjoy YouTube on Amazon Firestick. It should be noted that this is not an official app, meaning that unfortunately it doesn’t support all the features that you can get on YouTube. You can access Blocked features with the help of a browser like Silk Browser. This is available on the Amazon App store. You just need to look for the Silk Browser and click on Download to get the app. Now let’s take a look at the installation process that you need to follow with Smart YouTube.

1. Since Smart TV YouTube is not an official app, you have to enable Unknown Sources from the Settings menu. This will allow you to install third-party apps like SmartTV YouTube on Android.
2. Open the Homepage on your Firestick device
3. Click on Settings menu
4. Hover the options and select Device, then click on Developer options
5. Select Apps from Unknown Sources then option and select on it to enable it. It may be already enabled and in that case, you can simply move to the next step.
6. Install Downloader, from the Amazon Store. This is the app that will allow you to get Smart YouTube TV app. Here is how to download it:

On the Search bar, type Downloader and then search it to get the results.
Click on Downloader and select the download icon to start the installation process. Once it has been installed, open the app. To download YouTube TV APK, continue with the below steps.

7. Open the Downloader app. Make sure that Javascript is enabled on the Settings menu. Javascript will ensure that the page loads without issues.
8. Return to the Browser after Javascript has been enabled.
9. Click on URL box and type this: https://smartyoutubetv.github.io
Keep in mind that the URL has to be typed exactly as above. Then click the Go button.
10. When the page loads fully, scroll down the page and the Download heading will appear. The options available: Stable Version, Kids Version and Add-ons.
11. Click on the Stable version and download will start automatically. You will see the installation wizard on the screen once the download is completed. Select Install.
12. When the installation process is complete, you will see two options: Done and Open.
13. Select Done and you will see the downloader screen with Install, Delete and Done.

This is referring to the AOK file, but since the app has been successfully installed, the APK file is not needed so you can select Delete to remove the APK file from the device, this won’t remove the YouTube app. If preferred, you can delete the APK file at a later stage if preferred, by selecting the Open option during the installation process. Just go to download path for that: /SDcard/Downloader/, find and remove the SmartYoutubeTV.apk file. The above provided path is default, but it may be different if it has been changed previously so check in settings.

14. That is it. Now you are ready to use Smart YouTube TV app. To open it, launch the app and then go to apps. Select YouTube TV app and start to enjoy the content that you want.

How to install Cinema HD app on Firestick

Cinema HD is a streaming app that was recently released and it allows you to watch movies and TV shows for free. It offers an extensive selection of features and high quality stream solutions. Cinema HD supports Real Dedrid, allowing you to add a lot of new sources. Since Cinema HD gets content from torrent and streaming sources that offer copyrighted material, if you decide to use this addon, you need to use a VPN that protects your information and to bypass restrictions. Here are the steps that you need to follow in order to install Cinema HD on Firestick.

  1. As Downloader is already installed, you just need to download Cinema HD APK file, as you did with the Smart YouTube TV.
  2. Open Downloader app from your Firestick device
  3. Click on Browser
  4. Select URL Box and enter this URL: https://bit.ly/2Pmisl6
  5. Click on Go button after you have verified that the entered URL is the same.
  6. Allow some time for the page to load. Then scroll down to Download option and click on it to begin the download process.
  7. Now you will see the Install option on the screen after the download has been successful.
  8. Click on it to begin the installation process. Once it is completed, click on Done. Next, you will see the downloader screen along with Delete and other options. Choose Delete to remove APK file or select Done to keep APK file on the device.
  9. Now you should see Cinema HD app in the list on the Apps menu.

How to install Modbro TV App

Modbro is the leading solution for IPTV, meaning that it is the ideal solution to watch live TV channels. This app offers an extensive selection of content for free and it is the perfect choice for people who want to cut the cord. Modbro allows you to watch live TV without having to get a cable subscription. If you want to follow live sports and more, Modbro is the app for you. Since Downloader is already installed, the process to install Modbro should be very simple. All you need to do is to download the latest Modbro APK file following these steps:

  1. Open Firestick device.
  2. Launch Downloader app from Firestick apps.
  3. Go to the Settings menu in the Downloader app and enable Javascript.
  4. Go back and select Browser
  5. Hover to the URL box and type this there: https://bit.ly/2iZT2hu
  6. Make sure that the URL is the same as above, then press the Go button.
  7. The Download option will appear once the page load is complete. Select it to start the download automatically.
  8. Once the download is finished, you will see the setup wizard. Click on Install to begin the process.
  9. Once that is done, you will see the Done and Open options. Choose the OPen option to open the app directly or Done. This will take you to Downloader screen. There you can Delete downloaded APK file in case you don’t want to store the APK file.
  10. That is all, the app will be installed now and you can delete APK file at a later stage.

How to install Kodi No Limits Magic Build on Krypton

  1. Launch Kodi
  2. Select Setting and then choose File Manager
  3. Press Add Source
  4. Press None
  5. Enter this URL: http://nolimitsbuilds.com/kodi/ then press Done.
  6. Now you need to enter a name for media source, enter No Limits & Press OK
  7. Go back to Home Screen and press Add-ons
  8. Click on install from zip file. Then press No Limits/
  9. Press plugin.video.nolimitswizard.zip
  10. Allow some time for the Add-on enabled notification to appear.
  11. Press Program add-ons. Then select No Limits Wizard
  12. Press No Limits Magic in the No XXX Section. Here it is possible to select any version or server.
  13. Allow for the download to be completed and install. Keep in mind that you will need to wait some time during the shut down process.
  14. Then, restart. You can now start using the Build and enjoying the benefits that it offers.

How to install Gaia Kodi addon on Krypton

  1. Open Kodi
  2. Click on Settings and then File Manager
  3. Select Add Source and None
  4. Enter this URL: https://repo.gaiakodi.com/ and press Done.
  5. Then name the media source, type Gaia and press OK.
  6. Return to Home Screen and then click on Add-ons.
  7. Choose Install from Zip file
  8. Press Gaia and press repository gaia.zip
  9. Allow some time for the Add-on enabled notification to show up.
  10. Select Install from Repository
  11. Then choose Gaia Repository 1 and select Video add-ons
  12. Select Gaia and click on Install.
  13. Allow some time of the Gaia add-on installed notification. That is all, the addon is now installed.

How to install Kodi Bae Exodus Repository

  1. Download Repo File from
  2. Open Kodi and select Setting
  3. Select Add-ons
  4. Press Install from zip file
  5. Find and press the zip file you previously saved repository.kodibae-x.x.zip
  6. Allow some time for Add-on enabled notification
  7. Select Install from Repository
  8. Select Kodi Bae Repository
  9. Select Video add-ons
  10. Select Exodus and then install
  11. Allow some time until you find Exodus add-on installed message. That is all, Exodus is now installed and ready to be used.

Renee Biana

VPN Pick brings you all the latest vpn news, reviews and discounts.

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