How to reset AirPort Express to factory default settings

It is possible to restore your AirPort express to factory settings following simple steps. Here is the process that you need to follow.
- Unplug your Airport express from the power source
- Get a paper clip and bend its end down until the paper clip is straightened.
- On the AirPort express, next to the audio jag, you will see a small button called reset button. Press this button using the paper clip, or alternatively, you can use a pencil or a pen.
- While the button is still down, insert the AirPort Express back to the power source and release the button as soon as the amber light flashes.
Soft Reset
- Connect the device to power source and wait until the start up process is completed
- Press and hold the reset button down using a pencil or pen. Hold it down for one second and then release it.
- The LED light will start flashing amber, showing that the AirPort Express is in soft reset mode.
- Go to AirPort menu bar item and choose the network that was created by the device
- Go to Applications, then Utilities and open AirPort Utility
- Select the base station and then click Edit. Then change the password or settings if needed.
- Click Update and Continue as required. Close the AirPort Utility.
Hard reset
- Press and hold the reset button using a paper clip or pencil until the LED status light starts to flash amber, which will probably happen after 5 seconds.
- Once you release the button, the device will reset. Allow some time (about a minute) for the base station to finish the restarting process.
- Launch AirPort Utility via Applications and then go to Utilities.
- From the other WiFi devices, choose the base station and then click Edit.
- Select the Other Options button. Then select “Restore previous settings” and press Next until you see the last window. AirPort Utility will let you know that the Setup is completed.
- Press Done and close AirPort Utility.