
How to fix Kodi No stream available error

Kodi is a fantastic alternative to cable and satellite TV services, but it is not perfect. Users may experience issues from time to time and one of the most frequent ones is the error message that states that no stream is available. There are many causes behind this error and here, we will focus on the most common ones.

How to solve Kodi no stream available error

If you are getting this error, it is likely that you are using an add-on that doesn’t work anymore, or you have an old version that has to be updated. If the developers are no longer supporting the add-on and releasing updates, the sources that generally load when you look for a movie or TV show won’t work as they should. Popular add-ons like Exodus and Covenant are often affected by the no stream available error. This is because they are not being updated anymore. If you come across the no stream available error when using these add-ons, the best option would be to try a different add-on. One of the recommended options is Placenta, which offers better performance than the options previously mentioned.

It is also advisable to install multiple Kodi add-ons that offer the kind of content that you want to watch. If you are having issues with one add-on, you can try a different one. It is possible to install all of the best Kodi add-ons by just clicking a button that offers a variety of options. In order to check if a Kodi add-on is working, the best option is to try a different movie or TV show. If you are having issues to access a specific movie or TV show, just try another one. You can check categories like Popular, or Featured, which most Kodi add-ons have. If you are able to find many sources to chose from, it means that the problem is not the add-on, but simply that the movie or TV show you were looking for is not available there.

Kodi Sources not available – Older shows or movies are not available

If you are looking for an older TV show or movie and come across the no stream available error, it is likely that the content can’t be found, because it is not popular enough to get sources. While you may see sources available, it is possible that they have been removed already. This is not only a problem when it comes to older content. It can also happen when you try to find a movie that has been recently released, or the latest episode of a TV show. The error also occurs with daily news shows or soap operas because they air on a daily basis and it can be difficult to find a source that has all of them available.

Network issues

If the above cases are not related to your issue and you still getting the No Stream Available error message, no matter what you do, it is possible that the problem is with your network. The issue may be external or internal. An internal issue means that there may be a problem with the network at home, but in general, this can be solved easily. Here are the options that you can try to get the problem solved.

Restart the router

You can try to fix the issue by restarting the router. Just unplug the cord for one minute. This is a simple solution that can work in many cases. All you need to do is to unplug the router from the power, allow it to sit for a minute and then, plug it back. You can do the same with your cable or DLS modem, in case the router reset doesn’t work.

Speed test
An alternative if the router or model doesn’t solve things is to test the internet download speed on your streaming device. You can do this by opening a browser on your Fire Stick, then select Fire TV or Android TV Box and go to https://troypoint.com/st. This speed test can be run in your browser.

External Network Problems

Kodi no stream available caused by ISP block

It is possible that the issue is that your ISP is placing blocks that prevent you to access Kodi streams. You can get around this issue with the help of a VPN, a privacy and security tool that encrypts your traffic and stops your ISP and other parties from monitoring your activities. They won’t be able to see what content you are streaming, which prevents them from blocking access to Kodi add-ons. You can get around by connecting to servers in other locations. VPNs also protect you from those who want to intercept your personal data. A VPN adds security, privacy and it also enables you to defeat restrictions so that you can enjoy access to all the content that you want. There are many options available, but we recommend ExpressVPN, due to its amazing speed, wide selection of servers and high encryption.

Renee Biana

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