Germany NSA Spying Hearings Begin

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (AFP Photo)
The soap opera drama of the NSA spying hearings are just getting started. NSA spying has become a hot topic around the world and the latest hearings headed by German lawmakers are sure to cause a stir. The hearings are designed to delve deeper into US spying and to do so, German lawmakers are looking to interrogate Edward Snowden. The only way that Snowden can testify at the hearings is by having safe passage granted to him. This type of move would most likely cause the United States to lose its patience, because they have also been trying to take Snowden into custody for a long period. Is it true or is it simply designed to get the United States attention?
Be Careful What You Look For
It is safe to say that all countries have their own skeletons in the closet. Spying is a part of government protocol and Germany should move with caution in its takedown of the US for NSA spying. The spying of Germany might be next on the list to be brought to light. Many experts do not really believe that Merkel will go forward with a bold move designed only to frustrate the United States. However, it should be noted that the NSA spying drama is not going anywhere anytime soon. This issue is still very much in the public eye in Germany.
Merkel Targeted
The new release of information that suggests Merkel was targeted only reinforces that Germany will not let this issue rest. Germany may have their own agencies involved in similar acts and are using this as a way to cover their own backs. The question remains, how will Snowden even get to Germany? He is currently in Moscow and making no qualms that he wants out. However, since Germany is supposed to be an ally of the US, it could put Snowden’s safety in danger. The only way that Snowden can get asylum elsewhere is to be in that country.
Just Grandstanding
It might be that all this drama and circus atmosphere is just bluster with no impact. German legislators might simply be creating the illusion that they are making this situation a priority. Since Washington already handed down the agreement to end the spying, it might seem that further hearings are not necessary. Snowden will most likely not make it to Germany and the NSA spying drama will begin to fade in time.
If you’re in Germany and are in need of a VPN, then check out our article on the matter.